Image of a white background with transparent text repeating 'INDEPENDENT HOME CARE'. Image of a purple square overlaying the background. Text in square, "Mission. Independent Home Care, Inc. is an unparalleled consumer-directed home care organization dedicated to supporting individual choice and enhancing the quality of life for older adults and people with disabilities through a comprehensive approach to care and services tailored to each individual."
Image of a white background with transparent text repeating 'INDEPENDENT HOME CARE'. Image of a purple square overlaying the background. Text in square, "Vision - Our vision is for all people to have access to fully integrated supports and services, empowering everyone to live independently in the community regardless of age or disability."
Image of a white background with transparent text repeating 'INDEPENDENT HOME CARE'. Image of a purple square overlaying the background. Text in square, "Values - integrity, person-centered, collaborative' Independent Home Care center of logo on the bottom of the purple box.